
This Page is dedicated to useful and important links related to environmental hazards.  The internet is a marvelous way to keep up on worldwide disasters, yet it can be difficult to find the right links.  Here I have provided a list of different links to monitor different world phenomenon

Environmental Hazards Management Institute
This website is for a nonprofit environmental education organization dedicated to the understanding, use and broad transfer of information technology to spread the knowledge and awarness of enviromental hazards.  It tends to be a great source of environmental education that spreads all around the world, and is great because it provides a very cultured outlook on how disasters and be solved when we collaborate together as a team rather that worrying about ourselves individually.  Many people of the world are not fortunate to have proper mitigation efforts, so it is up to us to lend a hand to the less fortunate groups in the world.

The Weather Channel News and Map page:
Of course, the weather channel provides great up to date news on weather and other world events.  In addition, they provide a cool interative mapping progran that allows you to chose which sort of hazard to look for and where.  I also like this website because it is not like other weather websites; it gives strange weather related news, a variety of "top 5" different lists, and also tips on what you need to travel or prepare yourself when weather is not great.  Overall, for a basic website, it really provides a unique way of presenting the weather.  However, its main focus in just the United States, rather than broadcasting events that are occurring throughout the world.

Environmental Hazards and Health:
This link shares different health problems that are associated with environmental hazards.  Some of the most detrimental health problems come after a disaster, long term or short term.  A lot of the money provided for disaster relief areas goes towards the wrong cause, or in more corrupt areas tend to "disappear", but these studies have shown that it is most important to mitigate these efforts to minimizing the hurtful effects after the golden rule.  This includes education, safety standards and procedures, while ensuring that everyone has enough protection and food and supplies.